Side-By-Side, Smokelis 'vs' Traditional
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How Does A Smokeless Fire Pit Work?

First off - why buy a Smokeless Fire Pit Co. smokeless fire pit?
Here are 5 key reasons:
1. Improved air quality - Smokeless Fire Pit Co.'s revolutionary technology ensures that the air is kept clean and free from smoke.
2. Reduced environmental impact - By burning excess gas and producing a smokeless burn, Smokeless Fire Pit Co. helps reduce its environmental impact.
3. Increased efficiency - The smokeless burn produced by Smokeless Fire Pit Co. is more efficient than traditional fire pits, meaning less fuel is used.
4. Increased safety - Smokeless Fire Pit Co.'s smokeless burn eliminates the risk of smoke inhalation, making it a safer option for outdoor gatherings.
5. Enhanced visual appeal - The smokeless burn produced by Smokeless Fire Pit Co. creates a more visually appealing atmosphere.
In summary:
A smokeless fire pit is an innovative way to enjoy the warmth and ambience of a traditional fire without the smoke and odours that often come with it. The fire pit has an elevated base and air intakes at the bottom and outlets at the top, allowing cooler air to super heat and be let in at the top of the fire. This creates a secondary burn that consumes the unburnt gasses (smoke) and produces superior heat for a more comfortable and pleasant outdoor atmosphere. Additionally, the air intakes help to draw smoke away from the fire itself, further reducing the amount of smoke that is released into the environment. By utilising this unique airflow system, a smokeless fire pit can be a great way to enjoy the warmth of a fire without the smoke and odors.
- Smokeless fire pit is a special type of fire pit that relies on a unique airflow system to reduce smoke and odours
- Fire pit is designed with an elevated base and air intakes at the bottom and top
- As fire burns, air intakes draw in cooler air from below and super-heat it
- This super-heated air creates a secondary burn
- Consuming all the gasses and getting the most out of the wood also leads to a much hotter and longer burn

The firepits sold by The Smokeless Fire Pit Co. Limited are designed to operate without smoke. However, smokeless firepits are not guaranteed to be 100% smokeless. Factors such as weather, wind, temperature and fuel type can affect the amount of smoke produced. Additionally, improper use of the firepit can increase the amount of smoke produced. As such, The Smokeless Fire Pit Co. Limited disclaims any and all liability for any smoke produced from the use of our smokeless firepits.
The Smokeless Fire Pit Co. Limited stands behind the smokeless design of our firepits and believes that, under proper conditions and when operated properly, the smokeless firepits will produce minimal smoke.
Also be sure to read our Safe Use guide - on how to set up your Smokeless Fire Pit and what you must do before use on certain surfaces.